Welcome to barnabyedwards.co.uk

Hello and welcome to my new website! Here you'll find information on my acting, directing, writing, painting and Daleking. Should you so desire, you can browse through galleries of my artwork, listen to voice clips, watch my showreel, find out which Doctor Who conventions I'll be attending, get details on how to send me fan mail or even commission a portrait from me. There's a news section with information on my latest endeavours and a contact section where you can get in touch with me either via my agent or direct. There are links to other sites of interest (Big Finish, Audible, RedBubble and so on), as well as buttons at the bottom of every page to my social media (Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and such like).

There's also a shop selling downloads of my audio work, together with CDs, DVDs, art postcards, signed photos, original artwork and so on. It's fully secure, accepts all major credit cards and ships anywhere in the world. Should you fancy buying anything, be sure to enter the code BARNABY10 at the checkout - it'll give you a 10% discount on everything (even my original artwork) all this weekend. Please note, though, you're under absolutely no obligation to buy anything - it's just nice having you here!

The site has been designed by the wonderful David Taylor and Justine Harrison of Black Horse Design. Do check out their website.

 I'll be updating this site regularly - in particular fleshing out both the Artist and Shop sections - so stay tuned. In the meantime, please have a look around and let me know what you think. Thank you!